How To Download Ark Mods Ps4

There are a few situations, in which an adminstrator is forced to cheat on his own server. Some examples: repairing something destroyed by a bug, recover items, track down misbehaving users or just testing the server. This is a list of commands, which can be used to cheat in the game. You need to enter them using an usb keyboard or the on screen keyboard in the PS4 console window.

Browse ARK: Survival Evolved files to download full releases, installer, sdk, patches, mods, demos, and media. Ark: Survival Evolved came to console on December 6th 2016, but still technically in early access upon release for console, Ark: Survival Evolved can only be bought via the Playstation Store. ARK: Survival Evolved is known for its great mods and the fun you can have with them in the Multiplayer. If you own it on Epic Games, you may have to wait se.

You can also download a handy sheet for printing from THIS page

Looking for a challenging hunt well beyond the norm of the biggest dinos in ARK? Then you may just need a Kaiju. This mod brings in a new creature of mountainous size, larger than even the giganotosaurus. Godzilla is a monster to be reckoned with and only the strong and courageous need apply to bag this beast. Will you be able to bring it down? Eric Mathison Mathison.

CommandTargetParametersDescription and examples
EnableCheats <Password>SelfPasswordServer administrator password
SetCheatPlayer true|falseSelftrue to enable, false to disableEnable cheat commands that affect the current player, mounted dinosaurs and the game world
setcheatplayer true
AddExperience <HowMuch> <FromTribeShare> <PreventSharingWithTribe>SelfHowMuchAmount to addAdds the specified number of experience points to the player (or the currently mounted dinosaur if the player is mounted)
FromTribeShareApply as if experience came from tribe.To give another player experience, use the GiveExpToPlayer command.
PreventSharingWithTribe1: player only
0: share with tribe
AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck <SteamID>SteamIDPlayer to whitelistAdds the player specified by the their Integer encoded Steam ID to the server’s whitelist.
AutoCycle <Duration>Duration
BanPlayer <PlayerSteamName>PlayerSteamNamePlayer to banAdd the specified player to the server’s banned list.
Broadcast <MessageText>MessageTextMessage to broadcastBroadcast a message to all players on the server.
ChangeSize <SizeMult>SelfSizeMultSize multiplierChanges the current player’s size. Your player character’s model will only stretch or squash so far however, and if made too big will seem to float and bob up and down during different animations (too small and you’ll sink through the ground). You will not become any slower or faster. Set back to 1 to go back to your normal size.
ClearPlayerInventory <PlayerID> <ClearInventory> <ClearSlotItems> <ClearEquippedItems>PlayerIDPlayer’s in-game UE4 IDClears the specified player’s inventory, equipped items, and/or slot items.
ClearInventoryClear player’s inventory?
ClearSlotItemsClear player’s slot items?
ClearEquippedItemsClear player’s equipped items (armor)?
ClearTutorialsSelfNoneResets all tutorials on your client (make them so that they will re-appear without being forced).
DebugStructuresSelfNoneToggles the display of debug information on structures when you look at them, including the structure’s class name and entity ID. You can use the class name in other commands.
DestroyAll <type>typeType to destroyDestroys all creatures of the specified type.
DestroyAllEnemiesNoneDestroys all non-player creatures on the map, including tamed creatures. This does not prevent new ones from spawning as usual.
DestroyMyTargetTargetNoneInstantly destroys the creature or structure in the current player’s crosshairs, without leaving any corpse.
To kill an entity and leave a corpse, use the Kill command.
DestroyStructuresNoneDestroys all structures owned by all players on the map.
DestroyWildDinosNoneDestroys all untamed creatures on the map. Useful for helping newly-released creatures to spawn.
DisableSpectatorSelfNonequits spectatormode (as the character is killed when enable spectating, the respawn menu is displayed)
DisallowPlayerToJoinNoCheck <SteamID>SteamIDPlayer to removeRemoves the specified player from the server’s whitelist.
DoExitNoneShuts down the server as soon as possible.
DoTameTargetNoneTames the targeted creature if the creature is capable of being tamed, activating all triggers as if the player had tamed the creature normally (sound effect, dossier entry, gives experience, etc)
EnemyInvisible true|falseSelftrue to be ignored, false for normal behaviorWhen enabled, all creatures on the map will ignore the current player, even when attacked.
ExecSetSleeping true|falseSelftrue to put to sleep, false to wake upPuts the current player character to sleep or wakes them up.
FlySelfNoneActivates “fly mode”, permitting the player character to move freely in any direction without physics or gravity being applied. Use the walk command to disable the mode.
ForceTameTargetNoneImmediately tames the dinosaur under the player’s crosshairs. Dinosaurs tamed with this command can be ridden even when no saddle is equipped.
ForcePlayerToJoinTargetTribe <PlayerID>TargetPlayerIDPlayer’s in-game UE4 IDForces the player specified by their in-game UE4 ID to the tribe that the target entity or structure of the current player belongs to. Known to have problems if there are currently no longer members in the tribe, but this may be fixed in the future.
ForcePlayerToJoinTribe <PlayerID> <TribeName>PlayerIDPlayer’s in-game UE4 IDForces the player specified by their in-game UE4 ID to the tribe specified by it’s name. Known to have problems if there are currently no longer members in the tribe, but this may be fixed in the future.
TribeNameTribe’s Name
ForceTribes <PlayerName1> <PlayerName2>PlayerName1
GameCommand <TheCommand>TheCommandCommandRuns a game-mode specific command / trigger. For example, to start the game in the SoTF mod game mode, run:
GetChatNoneReturns the latest chat buffer (the same amount that the clients see).
GhostSelfNoneToggles “ghost mode”, permitting the player character to pass freely through objects in the world that normally block movement, including the terrain itself. Use the walk command to disable the mode.
GiveAllStructureTargetNoneGives the current player ownership of all the targeted structure and all structures connected to it recursively.
GiveColors <Quantity>SelfQuantityItem quantityGives you quantity of each dye in the game. In vanilla Ark, this equates to only 2.6 weight units per set.
GiveEngramsSelfNoneUnlocks all crafting recipes for the player character. No longer crashes your game! But may lag a little. (The crash was caused by some hidden crazy broken duplicate engrams, which has been fixed- hopefully).
GiveExpToPlayer <PlayerID> <HowMuch> <FromTribeShare> <PreventSharingWithTribe>PlayerIDPlayer’s in-game UE4 IDGives the specified player the specified amount of experience points.
HowMuchAmount to giveTo easily give yourself experience, use the AddExperience command.
FromTribeShareApply as if experience came from tribe.
PreventSharingWithTribe1: player only
0: share with tribe
GiveItem <BlueprintPath> <Quantity> <Quality> <ForceBlueprint>SelfBlueprintPathThe blueprint path of the item to give.Adds the specified item to the player’s inventory (or its blueprint) in the specified quantity and with the specified quality.
QuantityNumber of items to addTo specify items by their item number, use GiveItemNum.
QualityQuality of added itemsTo give items to another player, use GiveItemToPlayer.
ForceBlueprinttrue to add the item’s blueprint, false to add the item
GiveItemNum <ItemID> <Quantity> <Quality> <ForceBlueprint>SelfItemNumItem ID to addAdds the specified item to the player’s inventory (or its blueprint) in the specified quantity and with the specified quality.
QuantityNumber of items to addTo specify items by their blueprint path, use GiveItem.
QualityQuality of added itemsTo give items to another player, use GiveItemNumToPlayer.
ForceBlueprinttrue to add the item’s blueprint, false to add the item
GiveItemToPlayer <PlayerID> <BlueprintPath> <Quantity> <Quality> <ForceBlueprint>PlayerIDPlayerID to give the item to.Adds the specified item to the player’s inventory (or its blueprint) in the specified quantity and with the specified quality.
BlueprintPathThe blueprint path of the item to give.To specify items by their item number, use GiveItemNumToPlayer.
QuantityNumber of items to addTo give items to yourself, use GiveItemNum.
QualityQuality of added items
ForceBlueprinttrue to add the item’s blueprint, false to add the item
GiveItemNumToPlayer <PlayerID> <ItemID> <Quantity> <Quality> <ForceBlueprint>PlayerIDPlayerID to give the item to.Adds the specified item to the player’s inventory (or its blueprint) in the specified quantity and with the specified quality.
ItemNumItem ID to addTo specify items by their blueprint path, use GiveItemToPlayer.
QuantityNumber of items to addTo give items to yourself, use GiveItemNum.
QualityQuality of added items
ForceBlueprinttrue to add the item’s blueprint, false to add the item
GiveResourcesSelfNoneAdd 50 units of each resource in the game to the player’s inventory. In vanilla Ark, this equates to 300+ units of weight, so you will probably be encumbered. (200 of which comes from Metal Ore, Metal Ingots, Obsidian, and Crystal)
GiveSlotItem <BlueprintPath> <SlotNum> <Quantity>SelfBlueprintPathItem’s blueprint path.Adds the item specified by it’s blueprint path into one of your item slots. If the item does not support stacking, items after the first will be dumped into your inventory. Specifying an invalid slot id will dump all the item(s) into your inventory. Item quality will always be 0 and you cannot request adding a blueprint.
SlotNumInventory slot number. (0-9)To specify items by their item ID, use the GiveSlotItemNum command.
QuantityNumber of items to add
GiveSlotItemNum <ItemNum> <SlotNum> <Quantity>SelfItemNumItem ID to add.Adds the item specified by it’s item id into one of your item slots. If the item does not support stacking, items after the first will be dumped into your inventory. Specifying an invalid slot id will dump all the item(s) into your inventory. Item quality will always be 0 and you cannot request adding a blueprint.
SlotNumInventory slot number. (0-9)To specify items by their blueprint path, use the GiveSlotItem command.
QuantityNumber of items to add
GiveToMeTargetNoneChanges the owner of the targeted entity (structure or dino) to the current player. However, note that this command does not actually tame dinos – their inventory will not be accessible and they will not be rideable unless they were already tamed by another player or you use one of the dino taming commands afterwards.
GodSelfNoneToggles “god mode”, making the player invulnerable to damage from attacks, explosions or from falling. This does not prevent player character death by drowning (infinitestats must be enabled to prevent this). Repeat the command to disable the mode.
To specifically enable or disable god mode, use the SetGodMode command.
HideTutorial <TutorialIndex>SelfTutorialIndexTutorial indexHides the tutorial specified by it’s tutorial index. See the ShowTutorial command description for a list of tutorial ids.
HurtMe <Amount>SelfAmountDamage to dealDamages the player character.
InfiniteStatsSelfNoneGives the player character infinite food, water, stamina, carrying capacity and keeps Torpor at zero. Repeat the command to disable its effects.
KickPlayer <steam_id>steam_idPlayer to kick[1]Forcibly disconnect the specified player from the server.
KillTargetNoneInstantly kills the targeted structure or dinosaur, leaving behind a corpse.
To kill an entity without leaving behind a corpse, use the DestroyMyTarget command.
KillPlayer <PlayerID>PlayerIDPlayer’s in-game UE4 ID.Kills the specified player.
ListPlayersNoneList all connected players and their SteamIDs.
MakeTribeAdminSelfNonePromotes you to an admin of the tribe you’re currently a member of.
MakeTribeFounderSelfNoneMakes you the founder of the tribe you’re currently a member of.
OnToggleInGameMenuSelfNoneOpens or closes the in-game menu (when you hit the escape key).
To specifically show the in-game menu, use the ShowInGameMenu command.
OpenMap <MapName>MapNameMap’s NameLoads the map specified by it’s name. (not sure if a file path is accepted)
OpenMap TheIsland
PlayersOnlyNoneStops all creature movement in the game world and halts crafting. Players can still move normally. Repeat the command to disable its effects.
PrintColorsNonePrints the Color IDs.
RenamePlayer “<PlayerName>” <NewName>PlayerNamePlayer’s current name.Renames the player specified by their in-game string name.
NewNameNew name for player.
RenameTribe <TribeName> <NewName>TribeNameTribe’s current name.Renames the tribe specified by it’s string name.
NewNameNew name for Tribe.
RequestSpectator <Password>SelfPasswordSpectator password.Requests spectator mode on servers where there is a spectator password. The password given must match the server’s “SpectatorPassword”.
SaveWorldNoneForces the server to save the game world to disk in its current state. In single-player mode, the game saves this information locally.
ScriptCommand <CommandString>CommandStringCommand string.Runs a game mode specific command / script. These can be implemented by mod authors. Currently, there are no official game modes that use custom scripts.
ServerChat <MessageText>MessageTextMessageSends a chat message to all currently connected players.
ServerChatTo <SteamID> <MessageText>SteamIDPlayer’s SteamIDSends a direct chat message to the player specified by their int64 encoded steam id.
ServerChatToPlayer <PlayerName> <MessageText>PlayerNamePlayer’s In-game name.Sends a direct chat message to the player specified by their in-game player name.
SetBabyAge <AgeValue>AgeValueValue to set age to.Sets the age (0.01 to 1) of the target baby dino.
SetGlobalPause <IsPaused>IsPausedPause game?Pauses _EVERYTHING_ game related.
SetGodMode <Enable>SelfEnableEnable god mode?Enables or disables god mode for the current player.
To simply toggle between god mode states, use the UE command God.
SetGraphicsQuality <Quality>SelfQualityGraphics quality.Sets your client’s graphics quality. Note that Ark claims the quality parameter is actually an Int32, but it does accept decimals (so I called it a float, not sure if that’s correct). This command is a general command that affects many different graphics settings, all of which will be set to the new value (rounding if necessary). This command does not change the quality to the graphics presets, which are generally much better to use. The table below lists the approximate corresponding graphics qualities.
SetMessageOfTheDay <Message>MessageMessage to useSets the server’s “message of the day”, displayed to players when they connect to it.
SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> ColorIDTargetColorRegionColor RegionSets the dino you target to specified color/s. Example: cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 0.
ColorIDColor ID.
SetTargetPlayerBodyVal <BodyValIndex> <BodyVal>TargetBodyValIndexWill fill in later…
SetTargetPlayerColorVal <ColorValIndex> <ColorVal>TargetColorValIndexWill fill in later…
ColorValColor ID
SetPlayerPos <x> <y> <z>Selfx, y, zCoordinates to useMoves the player character’s to the specified position instantly.
SetTimeOfDay <Hour>:<Minute>[:<Second>]HourSets the game world’s time of day to the specified time.
ShowInGameMenuSelfNoneDisplays the in-game menu (when you hit the escape key).
ShowMessageOfTheDaySelfNoneDisplays the message of the day.
ShowTutorial <TutorialIndex> <ForceDisplay>SelfTutorialIndexTutorial index.Displays the tutorial specified by it’s tutorial ID. Tutorials are localized messages coded into the game that are displayed in the same area as the message of the day that shows new users hints about the game. These tutorials disappear after some time, just like the message of the day. Currently there are only two tutorials:
ForceDisplayTrue = show tutorial even if you’ve already seen it.0Blank
1Your first day.
Slomo <SpeedMult>SpeedMultSpeed multiplierSets the game speed multiplier. Change back to 1 to set back to normal.
SpawnActor <BlueprintPath> <SpawnDistance> <SpawnYOffset> <ZOffset>SelfBlueprintPathBlueprint pathSpawns the entity specified by it’s blueprint path.
SpawnActorSpread <BlueprintPath> <SpawnDistance> <SpawnYOffset> <ZOffset> <NumberActors> <SpreadAmount>SelfBlueprintPathBlueprint pathSpawns a number of entities in the specified area.
NumberActorsNumber of the specified entities to spawn.
SpawnDino <BlueprintPath> <SpawnDistance> <SpawnYOffset> <ZOffset> <DinoLevel>SelfBlueprintPathBlueprint pathSpawns a leveled dino specified by it’s blueprint path.
DinoLevelDino level
SuicideSelfNoneKills yourself. Does the same thing as hurting yourself (see HurtMe command) for your current health, so it will not work if you are invincible. Was originally part of the game when it came out, but it was removed in a later patch. Since then it was re-added (it’s easier to type than the HurtMe command).
Summon <type>SelftypeSpawn a creature of the specified type in front of the player character.
TeleportSelfNoneMoves the player character forward in the direction the player is facing until the character collides with an object or the terrain. If the player wouldn’t hit the terrian or an object, they are teleported to 0,0 instead.
TeleportPlayerIDToMe <PlayerID>SelfPlayerIDPlayer’s in-game id.Teleports the player specified by their in-game ID to the current player.
To teleport yourself to the other player, use the TeleportToPlayer command.
To specify a player to teleport by their player name, use the TeleportPlayerNameToMe command.
TeleportPlayerNameToMe <PlayerName>SelfPlayerNamePlayer’s in-game name.Teleports the player specified by their name to the current player.
To specify a player to teleport by their in-game id, use the TeleportPlayerIDToMe command.
TeleportToPlayer <PlayerID>SelfPlayerIDPlayer’s in-game id.Teleports the current player to the player specified by their in-game ID.
To teleport the other player to yourself, use the TeleportPlayerIDToMe command.
ToggleInfiniteAmmoSelfNoneProvides unlimited ammunition for all of the player character’s weapons. Repeat the command to disable its effects.
Unban <player>playerPlayer to unbanRemove the specified player from the server’s banned list.
admincheat Unban Bob
WalkSelfNoneDeactivates “fly mode” (activated by the fly command). Physics and gravity will be applied to the player character normally.
Stat <Command>SelfCommandSee Stat Commands.Enables an on-screen display showing various debug information. See Stat Commands for a list of stat commands available in Ark.
Stat fps
ShowMyAdminManagerSelfNoneOpens the admin manager GUI, which gives you easy access to a number of useful admin things. It shows your player’s current position, some useful server info, key server configurations, a list of currently logged in players, a list of banned players, a list of whitelisted players, allows you to modify the MoTD, and shows you a list of a good amount (but not all) admin commands.
If you select a player in the connected player’s list, you can easily copy their UE4 player ID (a 10 digit number) into a command’s parameters for commands that require a player ID. Supposedly you should also be able to copy their Int64 encoded Steam ID for commands that require it, but it seems to be broken at the moment. Use the ListPlayers command or grep the server’s save files to get a player’s Int64 encoded Steam ID. ShowMyAdminManager
EnableSpectatorSelfNoneMode spectator
StopSpectatingCtrl-M: Toggle floating player huds for the entire map (helpful to spot where everyone is)
Ctrl-P: Toggle Only Show Nearby Floating Huds
Ctrl-N to display a list of players to jump to
Left click to attach to the player in front of you
Left Click and Right Click to cycle attached player
Spacebar to detach
Shift to Fly Fast
Ctrl to Fly Slow
Mousewheel to adjust fly speed
Shift + f1-f10 to save camera positions, and f1-f10 to teleport to them
stopspectating for leaving
ToggleGunSelfNonePrevents the player character’s equipped item (or hands if nothing is equipped) from being displayed. Repeat the command to disable its effects.
destroytribestructuresTargetNoneWill destroy all structures on the ARK, based on the Tribe owner (or player owner) of the thing that you are currently looking at.
destroytribedinosTargetNoneWill destroy all dinos on the ARK, based on the Tribe owner (or player owner) of the thing that you are currently looking at.
destroytribeplayersTargetNoneWill destroy all players of a tribe on the ARK, based on the Tribe owner (or player owner) of the thing that you are currently looking at.

Download The Best ARK: Survival Evolved Hack 2020

FragCache Ark Survival Evolved hacks are user friendly, undetected and has ESP wallhack as well as aimbot features.


Our target is to make your game playing experience easier and faster. We do not want you to go through the time consuming learning curve so we have come up with one that can be downloaded and learned in under 5 minutes.

All you have to do to start dominating is downloading the Ark Survival Evolved cheat now for PC, PS4 and Xbox.

Why Our Ark Survival Evolved Hack Is Superior

Our team loves to make hack tools for some of the best shooting PC games. Our Ark hack is developed to go undetected and will provide you with more supplies, better homes and more dinosaurs.

FragCache’s Ark Survival Evolved Cheats are user friendly. Our target is to make your game playing experience easier and faster. We do not want you to go through the time consuming learning curve so we have come up with one that can be downloaded and learned in just under 5 minutes.

All you have to do is visit our web site and follow the simple instruction steps we have laid out for you.

Hack Features

The Ark Survival Evolved Cheats have many features including ESP hack, aimbot and a bunch of resource features like food and stamina.

How To Download Ark Mods Ps4

ESP Hack

The Ark Survival Evolved cheats include an ESP hack which makes you able to see your enemies through objects and walls at all times. The ESP also has features like distance from enemies, weapon equipped, health and much more.


With aimbot you don’t have to worry about your aiming skills. Aimbot will automatically detected enemies heads and aim at them for you, making headshots extremely easy. Our Ark Survival Evolved Aimbot also has triggerbot, changeable FOV-window and anti-detection.


In ARK, dinosaurs play an important role for domination and survival. There are 25 different dinos for you to tame and it is no simple task. Our cheat tool could help you tame them by scavenging food for these massive beasts. It gets easier when there is another bigger force inducing the dino to be more friendly towards you.


Your first task is to create a character that will be you in the game. Besides the obvious male and female, you can choose from a wide variety of shapes and forms.

With the help of the Ark survival evolved cheats, you can cheat your way through stats like hydration levels, food and stamina. Just as real life, your character’s health can also be easily affected by the weather, lack of nutrients that are essential to the body and overwork.

Home zone

It needs resources and experienced individual skills for you to be able to develop a home base. With a little help from outside, you can go a long way with free access to windows, doors, floors, etc which otherwise requires you to level up before you get it.

With our ARK hack tool, you can get all this access without accomplishing any task.


ARK does not mess around with food. Without food, your character will die – simple as that. So before you can gain experience and get the necessary level up in the game, you might die of starvation.

Get over this nuisance of constant hunger with unlimited supply of food from our cheat. You can also get recipes so you can get some advanced materials.


The game has a lot to do with crafting. Making your weapons powerful lies a lot in the level of ingenuity that you have.

You can get easy access to technology with cheats so that you can craft them into lethal weapons of destruction for the enemy. Some accessories can also be attached to the weapons like flashlights, scope, etc.


It is quite difficult to survive on your own in the PvP mode. Social development is very important and cheats will help you to easily join one of your choice. This is how you will be able to start participating in different raids to get more resources and also simply for the “glory”.

With over 40 features and bug updates that are almost impossible to keep up with, getting the best ARK experience has been done through our reliable Ark survival evolved hacks. Now available for PS4, Xbox One, Mobile and PC.

How Ark Survival Evolved Cheats Will Improve Your Gameplay

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Any beginner Ark Survival Evolved player will not be able to find much. You end up running around for hours in vain. The Ark Hack will reduce this time wastage and help you find everything on the screen and then laser down on it in minutes.

The Ark survival evolved cheats will give you a new radar and an ESP hack so that you can locate pretty much anything at all times.

We also provide you with a specialized aimbot that unlocks any weapon at the press of a button. This will attack the animal or target enemy and kill them instantly.

Our Ark Survival Evolved cheats will also show you all the dino in the game in order for you to be able to find it and build a dino army for yourself.

Ark: Survival Evolved – Great MMO Shooter on Steam

Ark: Survival Evolved is currently one of the most popular FPS games on Steam. If you love MMO Shooters than you better purchase Ark now and get instant download on Steam.

Initially, Ark would be pretty hard because you will need to stay warm, tame the dinosaurs, search for food and fight pretty much everyone in the game. You can now get our Ark: Survival Evolved Cheats.

Our hack tool makes Ark fun and easier by providing you with the cheats that you need including over 40 features like full aimbot.

ARK: Survival Evolved is the new Evolution Revolution by Steam

The gaming world has been taken over by Ark: Survival Evolved. It has currently sold over millions of copies in just the first month when it was released. Soon after it started to reach the 2 million mark which we all know is quite unusual for any game that is Early Access.

The company’s specialized team of jury is still working hard to come up with the best technical features of Ark: Survival Evolved. In the meanwhile, the gamers from all over the world are enjoying its survival game of sandbox to its fullest.


It is probably because of the D factor that the ARK has been able to get popularity overnight, not to mention the overwhelming attention it has got since then. The world loves dinosaurs and welcomes anything that has to do with it – look how the world still loves the good old Jurassic Park!

Ark Survival Evolved Mod Download

Nevertheless, we must appreciate the key players behind it – the developers of the game who have done such a great job with all the frequent updates and evolving content to keep the gamers in their toes.

Why Steam loves ARK

For an Early Access game, ARK Survival Evolved is doing exceptionally well.

How To Download Ark Mods Ps4 Mods

The developers owe the massive success of the game to their strategy of aggressive updates with new content falling like rain all the time. The games community has further given a new level of participation for all the fans and gamers all alike.

How To Download Mods On Ark Ps4

The date of release may probably be slowed down because of the constant updates. The bugs in the game are constantly evolving and gamers need a lot of keeping up to do.

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