Lineage 2 Clan Crest 16x12 256 Color Download

ClanLineage 2 clan crest 16x12 256 color download mp3

The crest must be 16x12 pixels and saved in a 256 color BMP file format. The clan insignia serves as a customized symbol for the clan shield when the clan has possession of a castle or clan hall. The insignia can be registered as a 64x64 pixel 256 color BMP file. What is a Pledge Crest? The crest must be 16x12 pixels and saved in a 256 color BMP file format. The clan insignia serves as a customized symbol for the clan shield when the clan has possession of a castle or clan hall. The insignia can be registered as a 64x64 pixel 256 color BMP file. What is a Pledge Crest?


In order to set a crest, your pledge must be at least level 3.
How to set a crest for your pledge :
If your pledge is at least level 3, you will need to copy your emblem to a directory in your computer [for example C:] and then log into the game.
Push ALT+C once in game to bring up the clan panel, and click Set Crest. It will ask you where it's stored, type in the directory [for example C:crest.bmp] and click set. That`s all. You should have a clan crest near your name and near your clan member's names.
Note: If you want to create your own emblem create a 16x12 pixels grafic with a graphic editor and save it as a 256 color *.bmp file.

Lineage 2 clan crest 16x12 256 color download free256

Lineage 2 Clan Crest 16x12 256 Color Download Free

If a clan's level is five or above, the clan leader can go to an NPC that creates alliances and request the creation of an alliance.
Add an alliance crest.
An alliance leader can create a crest for his alliance that its allied clans can display in addition to each clan's crest with the command /allycrest. The alliance crest is displayed in front of a clan's crest. The size of a crest is limited to 8 pixels in width and 12 pixels in length (256 color [8-bit] BMP file).

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